Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Dragon Ate My Post

*sigh* Not really, though I felt like I needed a good excuse for my tardiness. The truth of it is, we had an early night at casa de Gilliam last night. I totally fell asleep before writing my blog post for yesterday.

So here it is, in all its late glory!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Favorite subject

Apparently witches and I have something in common. Sadly, it's not the ability to cast magic or fly on broomsticks. But we do happen to love the same subject in school.

Too bad my kind of spelling involves letters instead of incantations. Magic is so much cooler than grammar. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tick, tick

I channelled the Phantom Tollbooth a little for today's doodle. It's mildly impressive considering I absolutely hated that book. I had to read it in elementary school, and it was the first time I ever lied about finishing a book. I love to read, but that story was pure torture for me. I think I finally abandoned it when the boy gets to the Doldrums. Pretty fitting, I suppose.

Anyway, this little guy very much reminds me of the cover of that book.

Also, I have learned that I suck at drawing dogs, but am pretty good at clocks. I'd also like to mention that I did eventually read all of the Phantom Tollbooth. I still don't like it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Bathroom Music

No, not farts, you dirty-minded folks. We're talking a much less stinky form of music.

The boy didn't have school today. It was a teacher workday since the state of Maryland had its primary elections today. So, we had our first full-day babysitter experience. The sitter is a high-schooler in our building, and she was wonderful. I still packed a lunch, even though there wasn't any school, to make it easier for the sitter to feed the boy. It's hard enough to get him to slow down enough to eat as it is. That means, there's still a doodle today, even though the boy had lunch at home.

Happy primary Tuesday!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Look at the schnoz on that kid!

I had been doing so well, but it's time for another double post. Looks like I forgot to post Friday's doodle. It's a shame too because it might be my favorite doodle yet.

I love the joke, and that little vampire is just the cutest, don't you think. I'm bummed that I'm posting it late.

I'm not as excited about today's doodle, but the boy liked the joke, and that's really all that matters to me. 

It's a lot more difficult to draw a foot-nose than I expected.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Today's doodle could have gone two ways. I opted for the warm, fuzzy route.

I think this fella is infinitely cuter than an actual bulldozer. I just don't find construction equipment very cute. This guy though, I'd bring him home any day. Especially if napping was involved. I miss naps. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bug off!

I'm uncertain if the boy understood today's joke. He said he liked it. Probably because it concerns bugs and frogs which are both so fun, but I feel like the play on words might have gone over his head.

I hope your Wednesday was as worry free as a frog's!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Time for bed!

Seems fitting that I'm posting this one just minutes before climbing into bed. I almost forgot, but it's still Tuesday, so I didn't miss it completely!

Now, since my lazy bed won't come to me, I'm going to go fall into it. Hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday!!

Monday, April 18, 2016


So, one canceled flight and a long weekend of waiting later, and Papa finally made it home safely! Just in time for a new school week. I kept the boy up late so that he would be awake when Papa finally came home. I'm thinking he'll be a little late to school. He'll need to catch up on the sleep he missed because he played with Papa so late.  It's good to have him home.

Here's the doodle for today's lunch. Hoping it actually gets eaten at school and not at home, but we'll see how it goes. Papa may decide to play hooky and get in more quality time with the boy. Maybe they'll enjoy this doodle together.

Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Welcome Back!!

After a long, harrowing week, filled with illness and a trip to a foreign hospital for antibiotics, the husband returns home today! The boy and I have both missed him terribly. It's going to be so nice to have him home.

Think of all the money we could save if Papa really could fly this way. It also might have prevented the illness that laid him up the entire time he was overseas. 

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

No more travel jokes

I give up on them. It's impossible to find any jokes about China that aren't blatantly racist. That's not really something I'm looking to add to the lunch table at the boy's school. It also reduced my faith in humanity by about two points. Seriously folks, get some less offensive jokes. Like this one.

Yes, it's not abut China, or traveling, but people take vacations to the ocean, so I'm giving myself half credit for this one.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

So ap-peeling!

I'm interested to see if the boy understands today's doodle. Sometimes wordplay goes right over his head. He has yet to truly master the art of punning.

One day, it will be warm enough here to warrant beach chairs and sunscreen. Maybe not this month, considering we had snow on Saturday, but maybe in May? Here's hoping winter relinquishes its icy death grip on us at some point this year.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Another Two for Tuesday

I haven't mastered this whole Mama-alone schedule yet. My time management leaves something to be desired. So, I missed yesterday's post. You get a double dose of terrible travel jokes today as a result.

The boy really liked this one, but I don't really know if he understands that Pennsylvania is a real place.

Have I mentioned how difficult it is to find good, clean jokes about traveling?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Baboons, balloons, and butts

Papa left for China today. It's weird that he'll be gone for an entire week. It also means the boy has to get up with me in the morning (while it's still dark out). I'm dropping him off with a family friend who will shuttle him to school once it opens. I think I say this every time the hubs travels for work, but, military moms, you are all amazing. You play this juggling game every day. Hugs for all of you.

I saved my favorite doodle of the week for last.

Nothing can make you smile on a day full of goodbye like a baboon with a balloon on its butt. Happy Friday everybody!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

So, about hump day

Apparently, Wednesday is my most forgetful day of the week. Thought I posted yesterday's doodle. Turns out, I never even emailed the pic to myself.

So, today you get a double does of doodle!!

This mousey friend is from today. We're still gearing up for Papa's trip to China. His flight leaves tomorrow morning at 7 am, which means we have to say our goodbyes tonight. We're all having an emotional day. Well, Mama and Papa are. The boy is just having fun at gymnastics like it's any other Thursday.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Need to Recharge

I don't know about you, but this week is draining my energy fast. It was almost 70 degrees here yesterday. Awesome. Woke up this morning and it was a balmy 27 degrees. My face hurt by the time I got to work because it was so cold and windy.

I'm ready to be on the beach with the coconut from yesterday, or with this happy guy.

My batteries could use a boost this week too!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Hello, April!

Today was the first day back to school after Spring Break. It's weird that after only a week our routine feels so foreign.

This Friday, my husband leaves for China. He'll be gone for an entire week. We won't even have a chance t get reacquainted with our normal routine before it's going to get shaken up again.

In honor of the pending business trip, this week's doodle jokes are all about travel!

My coconut looks a bit like someone's drunken uncle, but at least he's having a good time! I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break!