Thursday, July 14, 2016

This is the end

You may look at today's napkin and wonder, where's the doodle?

Today is the boy's last day of preschool. He asked if he could have something different in his lunch today. He requested that, on the last day of school only, I send him with a napkin with nothing on it. I'm honoring his request. No jokes. No doodles. Just napkin.

I've enjoyed doodling for the past year, and I hope you've enjoyed seeing them as much as I've enjoyed posting them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Prickly kisses

Penultimate day of school folks! That means just one more day until the school year is over and my little guy becomes a rising kindergartener. I figured I would give him a little extra love in his lunch today.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

It just makes cents

I was worried about today's doodle because it isn't the easiest thing to draw. I was nervous that it wouldn't be recognizable. Luckily, I found a pretty simplified drawing on google, so the result exceeded my low expectations.

It is in color, but significantly less colorful than yesterday's doodle.

Hope this heads-up penny brings everybody some good luck today!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Adding some color

It's the last week of school. Finally! That means there are only a few more doodles to go. Since it's the last week, and it's a short one (the boy's school is closed on Friday), I decided to give the doodles some color.

Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!

Friday, July 8, 2016


Today's doodle forced me to come to a realization. Every time I draw a fish, I channel my inner Dr. Seuss. At least, it feels that way. Maybe I've read One Fish, Two Fish one too many times.

Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Jokes this good should be ill-eagle

Nothing can bring a smile to your face like a terrible pun. Sure, sometimes that smile looks a lot like a cringe, but if you're reading this, the terrible pun in the title worked.

The comic I borrowed today's doodle from had a very Gary Larson feel to it, but I couldn't read the artist's signature. Thanks, mystery artist, for drawing exactly what I needed for today's doodle!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Double U!

The boy loves to make up knock, knock jokes. Most of his have a punchline that involves poop, but he really enjoys telling them. It's been a while since a knock, knock joke made an appearance in his lunch. I feel like it's time.

Just realized this is doubly appropriate as it's Wednesday. Hope you have a good one!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Fi Fie Fo Fum

We took the boy to see the BFG yesterday. He's been looking forward to it since he saw the first preview. I don't think it disappointed. There's a scene with some epic farts in it. The boy approved very much.

I felt like today's joke was very fitting, given the boy's sudden interest in giants.

Happy short work week!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Going out with a bang!

As we bring this week of patriotic jokes to a close, I thought it only fitting that we devote the last day (or two) to what most kids really care about when we celebrate the fourth of July: fireworks. Yesterday, we saw a devilishly cute little duck with a huge firecracker. Today, it's a dinosaur.

I hope you all have a safe and fabulous holiday weekend. See you back here on Tuesday!