Friday, January 8, 2016

Extended vacation

The boy was supposed to return to school on Monday, so of course he caught a cold and has been home with me all week, receiving nebulizer treatments every four hours like clockwork.

While I haven't been doodling for lunches, I have drawn a few characters for the boy.  His recent favorite activity is to dictate stories to me. I write them down and we staple them between two pieces of construction paper to make a cover. For his latest story, I asked him what his characters look like, and he gave me very detailed descriptions of both. I drew them and colored them in to his specifications. He was pleased with the outcome, so I assume the characters look something like those he imagined.

These are the boy specifications about what the characters should look like.

These are the drawings he got. They aren't wearing slippers because I couldn't figure out how to make slippers work without making their feet comically large.

Our very professional cover.

The boy wrote the first line and decided it was too difficult and asked me to finish the rest. His words read: Once upon a time a

The boy doesn't like for the text to all be the same color. He lets me know when it's time to switch to a new one.

El fin.

This may be my favorite activity to do with him. My next step is figuring out a way to laminate and bind them so they'll survive for longer than a week in the hands of a very active four year old boy.

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