Monday, February 8, 2016


We are counting down the days until Valentine's Day advent calendar style in our house. The boy has a small Star Wars mailbox. If the flag is up, there is a small Valentine treat inside. Each day, the flag will go up once. So far, he has gotten a plush AT-AT and a plush X-wing. 

Tonight, we have to work on signing all of the valentines he will take to his classmates on Wednesday. There are, of course, Star Wars valentines. 

His school has parent/teacher conferences this Thursday and Friday so they are closed. That means a super short week for the boy and an early Valentine's Day celebration. It also means only three doodles this week.

To start Valentine's week off right, I decided to make the doodle love-themed. However, being the pun lover that I am, I couldn't resist doing something like this:

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