Monday, July 11, 2016

Adding some color

It's the last week of school. Finally! That means there are only a few more doodles to go. Since it's the last week, and it's a short one (the boy's school is closed on Friday), I decided to give the doodles some color.

Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!


  1. I'm sorry to be off-topic, but I'm having a problem with my computer that you might be able to help me with. It's when I'm in Blogger. (All other areas seem to be working fine) Whenever I push the button that contains the words 'new post', the word 'loading' comes up - and it lasts a LONG time. Eventually, it does seem to work, but I have to wait 45 minutes or longer! Have you had this problem, and what are you doing to fix it? My computer is an HP Chromebook (laptop) and you can contact me as follows:

    Thanks again for your help.

    1. I've never had this issue, but I'm also not using a Chromebook. My first guess would be a virus, but I don't think Chromebooks are susceptible to them. Do you maybe need some kind of software update that's slowing it down? Hope you're able to get it straightened out. It sounds very frustrating.
