Friday, June 15, 2018

End of the Year Round Up

I haven't posted any doodles for the last two weeks. Today is the last day of school. That means, this post will be filled with all of the missing doodles.

Here is Tuesday, June 5.

Wednesday, June 6th.

Thursday June 7th. This doodle might be one of my favorites for the entire year. I love this little sand monster.

The boy didn't go to school on Friday, June 8th because my nephew swam in the Special Olympics. He won two gold medals!

Here's Monday's doodle. Just a splash of color to better illustrate the joke.

Tuesday's doodle showed me I have no idea how to draw coins.

Wednesday's doodle required a bit of explanation as some of the kiddos didn't equate cowboys with a ranch.

The boy asked me to explain this joke yesterday. When I reminded him the root beer was a type of soda, he face planted on the cafeteria table. I guess that means he got it.

And finally, here's today's doodle. The last one of the first grade school year. We only made it about halfway through our giant joke book. If the boy requests them, there will be more doodles next year.

Thanks to everyone who reads this blog and likes our jokes. Have a wonderful summer. Maybe we'll see you back here in September!

Monday, June 4, 2018


Because of a school assembly, it was unexpectedly a double lunch today (2 grades eating at the same time). As a result, I didn't get to see how well today's joke went over. I'll ask the boy what he thought of it once he gets home from soccer.

It could be argued that this is more like a riddle than a joke. That argument wouldn't be wrong. But it was in the giant joke book, so it still counts.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Doodle Roundup

I've got another three doodles for you today. I've completely fallen off the daily post bandwagon at this point. 

As you may remember, I had a few duds with some of the jokes earlier in the week. I looked for some that were a little more obvious.

This one was a huge hit. The kids passed it around the lunch table.

The boy bought lunch yesterday, so this doodle was tucked in with his snack. However, I picked him up early from school, so that means he didn't get to share it.

Today's joke took some explanation for some of the kids, but some of them got it on their own.

Some of the kids didn't understand the concept of holding your breath in your hands while it was trapped inside of the balloon. Once they got it, they shared the joke with their neighbors. It was cute to watch it get passed around the lunch table.