Friday, March 9, 2018

Very Hairy

I had to scrap two facts this morning because a bit of googling proved they were both wrong! The second fact wasn't completely wrong, it just needed some tweaking to correct it.

The original fact said bumblebees have hair on their eyeballs. While searching, all of the hairy eyeball facts I found pertained to honey bees, not bumbles. It looks like scientists aren't certain what the hairs are for, but navigation seems to be the popular consensus.

A short hair grows in the intersections of the compound lenses of the eye. These hairs are believed to detect wind direction and may be used by the bees to stay on course in windy conditions.

I couldn't find anything to confirm that bumblebees also have these small hairs on their compound lenses, so I altered the fact to say honey bees.

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