Thursday, September 24, 2015


I have always been partial to the wise old mentor in movies and books. This always sets me up for heartbreak. The heroic arc requires that the mentor die, or something terrible happen to them in order for the hero to grow. A hero cannot reach their full potential in the shadow of their mentor, so the lovable elder gets the axe. 

The mentors get the best lines, the ones filled with sage wisdom. 

The boy is very into Ninjago at the moment, so we've been watching lego ninjas fight evil for weeks. Of course, the ninjas have a wise sensei, Sensei Wu*, that guides them through their journey to master the secrets of Spinjitsu*. Yes, that's a thing. I didn't make it up. Essentially, the ninjas spin in tornadoes of elemental fury and it destroys their enemies. 

Obviously, I could discuss the finer points of Ninjago for hours, so I'll stop myself here. In honor of the wise Sensei Wu, here is today's doodle.

* I have no idea how any of this is spelled, and am taking my best guess.

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